
Here we talk about philosophy, religion, politics and all the things that affect us in our lives. ‘Conspiracy theory’ is a phrase that gets banded about a lot these days. The people who invented this phrase are probably the ones who actually carry out the conspiracies. It suits them to make people who see through their lies and deceptions seem a little mad and brand them a certain type of person. But the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ actually often means the truth. There are many things that go on that seem very obvious yet as soon as they give it the title ‘conspiracy theory’ many people are frightened to believe it for fear of ridicule.

When reading things, seeing things or hearing things it is important that we look deep into ourselves to fathom out whether they are true or not. Certain sections of society can trace their family trees back for many centuries (mainly because they have interbred between themselves), but everyone has to realise that none of us just appeared from thin air, we all have ancestors from the first people on the earth. The genes are there inside us and if we look deeper into ourselves from time to time to find answers, we can find them. It usually comes in the form of a strong feeling that something isn’t right or it is.

Take the bible. Many of the stories in it are probably quite true and that is why they resonate with many people, cause deep inside we know them. It is just the time frame or context or people involved that have been tampered with. The terrorist attacks on the twin towers, or 9/11 as it’s called, there are so many things that point to a conspiracy. The fact that we can only trace back history to some 8,000 years when man has been on this earth for 50,000 or more. Were we really hunter-gatherers for 42,000 years? Someone or some people are hiding and manipulating stuff, it seems so obvious!

We need to accept that all is not what it seems, only then can we free ourselves of the brainwashing that has been going on for hundreds of years.

More to follow……..

God. That is a powerful word or name that can bring various responses from people. Some fearful some just ‘Oh here we go again’ type attitude. All words and many names have attached to them meanings and ‘God’ is no different. So a simple meaning for God is say ‘good’. Same way a simple meaning for the word/name devil is ‘evil’. Now supposing you grew up with the meanings for these words switched around, we would call God evil and vice versa. Supposing though we kept the words the same and just changed the meanings. That is what has happened over the years and this is why so many people find it hard to talk about or even believe in God. How many wars have been wrought in God’s name? Do we really think that the creator of all who is supposed to be about peace and love would really sanction the mass murder of people.

Take the song/hymn ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ whose first verse is

  • Onward Christian soldiers
  • Marching as to war
  • With the cross of Jesus
  • Going on before
  • Christ the Royal army
  • Leads against the foe
  • Forward into battle
  • See His banners go

Okay so it’s not God as such but Jesus who is meant to be the son of God, who came down from heaven to preach peace and love. Do you really think that He would appreciate His name being used in the same breath as ‘marching as to war’? One verse that includes words like ‘soldiers’ ‘war’ ‘army’ ‘foe’ and ‘battle’ goes against everything that poor Jesus was trying to preach!

The evil people who have twisted faith to their own ends have used the real battle between good and evil, that really is on spiritual and personal level, to bend the minds of people into thinking that it should be a physical battle. A whole race or country of people, or a different religion is made to seem evil to justify mass murder. There is no way that a whole race, country or religious followers are all evil. Yes there is a battle of good and evil but it is much more on a personal level. A battle to show love rather than hate to people that are different to you! Obviously many many people lose that battle and that is why it is so easy for real evil humans to manipulate others. The easy route is to go with the flow for fear of not being accepted or ridiculed or even killed! Mohammed Ali was one person that fought the battle and won by refusing to go to Vietnam to kill fellow human beings. That is what we all should be like. If you really want to win the battle between good and evil, you need to stand up at whatever cost to yourself to show love to all regardless of race, creed or colour.

It is not easy for some people in this world who have been brought up in a brainwashed society, with little or no education about the world in general, to go against the grain. In fact, because they know so little except what they are taught by evil leaders, they are unable to make choices in life. We need to help these people by showing love, by educating and by our own actions that there is another way to live.