Rasta Revolution is not about violence, picking up guns to kill people who don’t agree with what you say! It’s a revolution of the mind, of the spirit. A spiritual revolution!

There are still many things wrong with this world/world system that we live in but since Rasta became more popular some things have improved. Especially people being more willing to help & communicate with each other regardless of race. Obviously there still a number of regions in the world where this is going to take a bit more time. The revolution has started & it is up to us to make sure our kids & grandchildren are born into a better world in the future. Its not just about me but rather InI, humanity.

A revolution does not necessarily mean that we have to tear everything down & start again. We just need to improve the good things & throw away the bad things. Especially negative things like greed, hate & envy. Through globalization the rich are getting richer every day. Greed! Shootings & bombings in the name of religion. Hate! Keeping up with the neighbours. Envy!

People always wonder why Rasta points to His Imperial Majesty as God. From the time Haile Salassie was born there was a natural mystic blowing through the air. Prophecies of old came to bear & whether you believe he is God incarnate or not, the truth is that with His coming the world & especially the spiritual world started changing. There was the hippie movement but it soon fizzled out as youngsters got older & felt that they needed to grab onto the system to survive. Rasta however is for life. Words like peace, love & unity have become much more common around the world since Selassie was born & Rasta men & women freed themselves from the shackles of having to fit into a corrupt & unjust system. Being ‘in tune’ with nature & ecological awareness was born. Thinking of a fellow human as brother or sister rather than just stranger became more widespread. This is the Rasta Revolution!

About Rasta Revolution

Through music, words & pictures we aim to educate & inform. It is unlikely that we will change the people that are currently sitting pretty in their ivory towers any time soon. Why would they want things to change? Life is good for them. No, we have to think like the Michael Jackson song, ‘I’m starting with the man in the mirror’. We have to change our own lives. Change the way we deal with people. Not be dragged into the hype. Think about the things we buy, where our money is going. Little things by many people can have a big impact. We are in charge of this revolution so get on board if you want a better, fairer world.

One love, one world, one people.

Jah Rastafari